Lieutenant Toucan Coaching is Fergie's Acting Coach services that specialize in Monologue and Acting Through Song training. Fergie Philippe is a classically trained actor who intensely studied the methods of Stanislavski and Meisner. Fergie has and continues to work in multiple fields including Educational, Regional, National Tour, Off-Broadway and Broadway Theater, and on Film and Television. Fergie has also been teaching and coaching for the past ten years with students aged from 5 to Adults currently in the industry. Fergie's passion for teaching and coaching are wonderfully taught lessons from some of his greatest teachers and also lessons taught from his not-so-great teachers. Fergie exclusively focuses on the work at hand and gives you the tools that you need to not only give a truthful performance but to feel confident in your ability to do so on your own. For more information on Lieutenant Toucan Coaching - look below!